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K45 Krickett in broad daylight

Recently, Team Predatek's Matt Smith fished the Nepean River near Penrith for the first time. With only a couple of hours to spare in the middle of the afternoon, and sun still on the water, he wasn't brimming with confidence about his chances when he launched his Hobie kayak.

But, like any committed fisho, he was determined to have a go anyway. The cicadas were in full summer voice and he noticed sacred kingfishers occasionally swooping down from tall gum trees on the river bank to snatch struggling insects from the surface of the river. That was a good sign. A very good sign. Bass would be noticing that activity for sure. It was time to tie on a small surface lure.

The Predatek K45 Kricketts Matt was using acquitted themselves well, despite the less than ideal time of day for bass fishing.

If you're catching fish with Predatek's surface lures, we'd love to see your photos and videos.

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